Fusion Class

Welcome to Fusion Class! 


Fusion Class is a mixed age class with both year 4 and year 5 children. Miss Pridmore and Mrs Moon are the class teachers with the support of Mrs Shepherd.

Autumn 1  Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
Welcome back Fusion! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday. 
Our theme in Autumn 1 is geography focused through Other Countries.
In Year A, our first expedition of the year is called Survivors which takes us to the wilds of North America. In Year B, our Expedition is The Journey where we get ready to take an expedition through Antarctica and in Year C of the cycle, we look at Natural Disasters around the globe. Please read through the document below for a brief overview about this expedition. Below, you will find this term's homework grid which includes all the spellings lists.
Autumn 1: Year A
Autumn 1: Year B
Autumn 1: Year C
Autumn 2: Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
Our theme this term is History in the UK and our next exciting expeditions are called... Year A: Stone Age to the Iron Age, Year B: The Vikings and in Year C: The Anglo Saxons. Please read through the document below for a brief overview about this expedition. Below, you will find this term's homework grid which includes all the spellings lists. 
Autumn 2: Year A
Autumn 2: Year B
Autumn 2: Year C
Spring 1: Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
Our Human Ingenuity themed expeditions for Spring 1 are...Year A: Magic Versus Science, Year B is Mechanical Inventions and Year C is Electrical Inventions. Please read through the document below for a brief overview about this expedition. Below, you will find this term's homework grid which includes all the spellings lists and times tables. 
Spring 1: Year A
Spring 1: Year B
Spring 1: Year C
Spring 2: Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
Our new expeditions for Spring 2 focus on Our World and Beyond through each of these expeditions... Year A is Oceans, Year B: Fossils and Animals Over Time and in Year C we look at Space. Please read through the document below for a brief overview about this expedition. Below, you will find this term's homework grid which includes all the spellings lists and times tables. 
Spring 2: Year A
Spring 2: Year B
Spring 2: Year C
Summer 1: Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
For the first half of the summer term, our Expeditions are inspired by Ancient Civilisations and will focus on... Year A: Ancient Egypt, Year B: The Ancient Greeks and Year C: The Romans. Please see the documents below to give you an overview of what we will be learning and how  this can be supported at home.
Summer 1: Year A
Summer 1: Year B
Summer 1: Year C
Summer 2: Year A (2022/2023), Year B(2023/2024), Year C (2024/2025)
For the final half of the summer term, we focus on a theme of Awe and Wonder with expeditions that include Mythical Lands (Year A), Mythical Creatures (Year B) and Mythical Plants (Year C) . During each of these we expand their scientific knowledge and skills further whilst we will revisit and extend all five of our previous expeditions.  Please see the documents below in our previous expeditions to give you an overview of what we will be learning and how  this can be supported at home.  
Below, you will also find this term's homework grid which includes all the spellings lists and times tables.