Mawnan's Green Charter

Mawnan’s Green Charter

Mawnan Cof E VA School, in collaboration with primary and secondary schools in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly formally agreed to declare a climate emergency on Friday 29th November.

The climate emergency is the biggest challenge facing our planet and future generations. To have a significant impact we now need to do more than make symbolic statements - we need to turn our warm words into impactful actions. Mawnan School has made a commitment to the Green Charter for Schools and we will do all that we can to achieve its aims. Please see our green charter below and thank you for your continued support.  

As educators, we are committed to teaching our young people to be environmentally literate and to develop their knowledge, skills, motivation and confidence to practice and promote sustainability in their community.

As organisations, we are committed to ensure any decisions we make about our working practice take into account the impact on the environment, with the aim of adopting sustainable practices wherever possible.

To this end, we will:

  1. Collectively declare a climate emergency in November 2019​​.
  2. Provide opportunities for staff, Governors, children, and community to find out about the climate emergency and what action they can take. Ensure at least one member of staff has climate change training.
  3. Gain Eco-School status within two years, then maintain it thereafter.
  4. Significantly reduce the use of single-use plastic with the aim of becoming ‘plastic free.’
  5. Develop the school grounds to promote engagement with nature, biodiversity and growing food​. Plant trees every year and ensure that they are looked after.
  6. Have a meat-free school menu once a week​​ and/or promote the benefits of eating less meat and more seasonal, locally-sourced food.
  7. Speak out. Staff work with pupils to engage with parents and community in order to promote action on climate change.
  8. Engage with another school (nationally or internationally) about action in schools.
  9. Support Cornwall Council’s aim to become carbon neutral by:​​
  • reducing energy consumption by at least 10%​​
  • using some form of renewable energy source on site​​, where possible
  • buying energy from renewable suppliers​​, where possible
       10. Explore ways to lessen the impact of petrol and diesel vehicles on the environment.


We thank you for the wonders of your creation.

Thank you for guiding us, leading us, protecting us, developing us since the beginning of creation ‘til now.

Make us grow in the awareness of the urgency of safeguarding and developing the wonders of your creations and to take action and speak up.

Help us to live and work harmoniously in and with your creation.

Protect us from dangers and destruction.

Be with us as we teach, guide, protect and listen to our children.

We give thanks and ask this in your name
