
Admissions Procedure 

Mawnan is an inclusive school. Pupils will be admitted at the age of 4 without reference to general ability or aptitude. The admission limit is 17 and we will offer places up to this maximum. As a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary, the Governors are the Admissions Authority and operate a fair Equal Preference Scheme. On occasions, as a result of the policy of the local authority (LA) and government statutory guidance, the school will admit pupils above the agreed admission number or if we know that there is additional need we will increase our occupational number to accommodate 20.

Procedure for applying

Applications for primary places need to be made via the LA website: need to be submitted in the January for reception applications for the following September (the September following your child’s fourth birthday).

Applications that are submitted late will be considered after all on-time applications have been fully processed. For the main admissions round, all on-time preferences will be considered at the same time and ranked according to the oversubscription criteria. Applicants will be informed in April of the outcome of their application. All reception places are offered as full-time places, but parents may request part-time attendance or staggered entry until the child is of compulsory school age. 


Where the admission limit is reached, prospective pupils will be placed on a waiting list, at the request of the parent, by completion of the appropriate form. If places become available, they will be allocated according to the published oversubscription criteria. At the end of the summer term, the waiting list will be reviewed and parents will be asked if they wish their child's name to be placed on the waiting list for the following school year. Placing a child on a waiting list does not affect the statutory right of appeal.

The school recognises its responsibility towards pupils with special educational needs and all applications on behalf of such children will be treated in accordance with our published oversubscription criteria.

'In-year' Admissions for Years 1 to 6  

Places for children in these year groups are also allocated by the School Admissions Department at Cornwall Council. If you are new to the area, or you are considering moving your child to a different school please contact them on or 0300 1234 101. If there are no places available School Admissions will place your child on the waiting list or advise you of alternative schools in the area.

Unsuccessful Applications

The LA will advise parents of their right to appeal if their child is refused a place. They will be given the reason why the admission was refused, information about the right to appeal, the deadline for lodging the appeal and the contact details for making an appeal. They must set the grounds for appeal in writing.