School Uniform

School Uniform   

We like all children to wear our Mawnan school uniform every day. We believe that the school uniform contributes to our school ethos and instils a sense of belonging to the school. We ask our children to take pride in their appearance and to look smart in school. 

Uniform items with a logo should be purchased from Castle Sports in Falmouth or ordered from them on-line at:

Castle Sports & Uniform Ltd
23 High Street
Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2AB - Phone: 01326 311805


Grey knee-length pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts 

Pale blue polo shirt

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (from Castle Sports)

Grey or white socks or navy or grey tights

Black School shoes (no high boots or open toed sandals)

Navy blue and white gingham dress (NO jumpsuits) for summer wear


PE Uniform - to be worn on PE days 

Top : White P.E. shirt with school logo (from Castle Sports) with Mawnan zipped sports top (from Castle Sports)

Bottom: Navy blue shorts (from Castle Sports), Navy blue Skort (from Castle Sports) or Mawnan tracksuit trousers (from Castle Sports)

Footwear: Black, blue or white trainers 

We also have access to good quality pre-used items, which have been donated from the school community – let us know if you would like to come and take a look.
If you are having difficulty providing uniform for your children please contact us in confidence and we may be able to offer some support.