School Meals

School Meals

Lunchtime is between 12:00 -1:00pm. At lunchtime pupils can either have a school dinner or a packed lunch. Our meals are cooked on site and the school lunch menu is available for parents to view online.  Our School Council regularly reviews and works to improve the school dining experience.  As a Healthy School, we are committed to pupils having healthy lunches and we ask parents to provide healthy packed lunches.  We are happy to provide guidance if required. 

All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children in state-funded schools in England are entitled to free school meals under the government’s universal free school meals scheme.

It is essential that ALL meals are booked through ParentPay by 9am on the day that they are to be taken, (including Free School Meals.) Please see school website for details. Please remember that if a School lunch has been booked on a day your child goes on a trip, sporting event or brings a packed lunch, if the meal is not cancelled with Autograph, then unfortunately no refund will be given. 



ParentPay is an online secure payment system used by the school for most financial transactions. It enables parents/ carers to pay for school meals, outings, residentials etc.

Details of use will be given to parents/carers following a child’s enrolment in school.


Free School Meals

You can apply for free school meals if you receive one of the following:

  • Income Support.
  • Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based).
  • Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual income does not exceed £16,190.
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999.
  • The 'Guaranteed Element' of Pension Credit.
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance benefit


Please apply at  :

As well as the benefits of eating a nutritious meal by claiming for Free School meals this triggers a pupil premium subsidy of £1,320 which is paid into the school’s budget. The child does not have to eat a school meal they could still bring a packed lunch. If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 please make sure you do apply so that the school can access these funds.

     This money could go towards supporting individuals or groups of children, employing extra members of staff, or subsiding in school activities– the possibilities are endless!

Medical Diets

You can request a medical diet by completing our Medical Diet Request Form and attaching a photo of your child with supporting professional medical evidence. This is an essential industry-standard requirement as adjusting a child’s diet should only be undertaken under the guidance of a medical professional – without supporting medical evidence we cannot proceed with any request.

Please submit the completed request form and supporting medical evidence to the school office, who will pass them onto the Chartwells medical diets team. Once the Chartwells medical diets team have received all the information they need, they will prepare a medical diet menu.

Chartwells are our catering provider at Mawnan School

As the leading provider of catering services to schools across the UK, Chartwells believe school lunches should be freshly prepared, great-tasting and attractively presented to engage pupils.  All menus are fully nutritionally checked by their expert in-house team and meet the Governments school food standards. Seasonal and nutritionally balanced healthy menus will change twice a year offering variety along with new dishes to stimulate inquisitive minds.  Chartwells understand the importance of educating young people on good nutrition and healthy lifestyles via our education programmes.

For more information see the Chartwells website: