Pico Class

Welcome to Pico class! 
Pico Class is a mixed age class with year 3 and year 4. 
Whilst Mrs Luscombe is on maternity leave, Pico is taught by Mrs Davies (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Watson (Thursday-Friday). Mrs Hughes, Mrs Moon, Mrs Atkin and Mrs Alexander are the teaching assistant who support Pico Class. 
The second half of the Summer term is all about revisiting the learning we have done this year. We will be revisiting and adding to all our learning done during our wonderful expeditions this year:
'The Journey',  'The Vikings', 'Mechanical Inventions', 'Fossils and Animals through times' and 'The Ancient Egyptians'.
We have camp for our Year 4 and 5's. An epic Beach day for the year 3 children and plenty of summer excitements like Sports Day to look forward to.
Please find the homework grid below.