Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club takes place between 8:00 am and 8:40 am every day.
Breakfast consists of orange or apple juice, choice of cereal, toast, a selection of fruit and yoghurt. 

Numbers are limited, so booking is essential. You can make a booking for the whole year, or if spaces allow, you can book for a ‘one off’ session.
To book, please email or phone the school office on 01326 250660:

  • All 'one off' sessions must be pre-booked by 4pm on a Wednesday, for places required for the following week, to enable us to order the correct amount of food.
  • In an emergency, please call the school office by no later than 4pm the day before the breakfast is required.

The cost is £3 per child per day. Payment is made via your child’s ParentPay account.
(Unlike school dinners, this is for payment only and does not book your child’s place at Breakfast Club.)